Dr. Benjamin Cooperman at Dental Ben’s in Peoria, Arizona is dedicated to providing you with quality and complete dental care at affordable fees.
Did you know that we offer flexible hours? If you have a busy weekly schedule, you can book a convenient dental appointment with us on Saturday. We are open between 8 am and 2 pm on Saturdays which enables us to accommodate our clients with busier schedules.
What services does Dental Ben’s offer?
Offering practical solutions to your dental needs is our priority! We invite you to schedule an appointment and learn more about the honest, no-pressure dental care provided at Dental Ben’s. We believe everybody deserves high-quality, personalized dental care. Our progressive dental technology allows us to create customized treatment plans designed just for you. Our dedicated team is committed to serving you with gentle and compassionate care. We provide:
Dental Ben’s makes use of progressive dental technology to provide you with customized dental plans.
Contact us today to schedule your appointment
If you need a professional and friendly team, who will stop at nothing to meet all your dental needs, contact Dental Ben’s in Peoria, Arizona at 480 681 0920. You deserve some pleasant time even on your dental appointments, and our office environment is designed for exactly that. Apart from pain-free dentistry and dental procedures, we provide Wi-Fi to our guests and patients. You can also catch a program or movie through Netflix.